BOO!!!!!! So I know I have once again fallen off the face of the earth but don't be too worried my blog stalking buddies I am alive! I might be slightly dehydrated, super sweaty, sleep deprived, and super spirted but alive! School is once again in session and sports have already started! I have once again started living at the and sweaty I must say but overall okay so far. This is the time of year where my life is no longer my own so I am sorry for the no blogging. I promise I will catch up much to will come when I have more than 2 minutes to just type! Hope you are all well and not as sweaty and disgusting as me! Let's just say no air conditioning and 50 high school sophmores in one classroom is a getting to be too much to handle!!! WHERE IS FALL!!!!!! Gotta love public education! Peace out for now...catch up soon!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
First I know it is a miracle 2 days in a row! I am like a blogging queen this week! Really I am just suppose to be making dinner for some friends and I actually decided we would just order in something! HA! Go figure! Anyways onto the real post! I just had to take a quick moment and talk about how much my heart hurts today!!! If you are a fan you will know that last night was the sad last night of So You Think You Can Dance. My all time favorite obession TV show. My heart is saddened today not only because I don't get to watch the show anymore but also that I don't get to watch my new boyfriend crush running around with no shirt on! Now if you read earlier posts you know that I think my hubby is smokin hot stuff...but if for any reason he was killed in a freak hunting accident I would be on the first plane to Montgomery Alabama to claim my new hubby TWITCH!! Do you think he would take an aging lanky white girl health teacher from Utah???????
Posted by Danie at 4:27 PM 3 comments
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Alright kids, sorry that it took me so long to post again but really it has been crazy up in this house! I swear I am a summer off girl but it is just as CRAZY!!!! So one of our most recent adventures was a rockin road trip to North Dakota! I know, I know you are all wondering why the devil would you choose to go to North Dakota...well to thicken the plot we actually bought a house out there. If you know my hottie hubby you know that he is a HUGE animal/bird/fish/critter slayer and North and South Dakota apparently is a haven for his favorite prey, phesants. So thus the rockin new house we have and the fantastic road trip we went on to see it. Now if you know me you know I am not a huge fan of driving. It makes me sick and I get bored and really it is not my favorite thing. But I really love my husband so we hit the road jack! The drive there was not horrible we did it in 2 days so it was fine. We got there and the house was not as bad as we thought it would be so we headed to the nearest Wal Mart (yep even that is an hour away from this house!) we got some supplies and just hung out. The next day we cleaned the entire day and it SUCKED! Then we headed home the next day! Short and sweet. The ride home was BRUTAL!!!! We made it in one day and we took the long way to do some sightseeing so it took about 16 hours!!! BOO!! But the sights were cool and my hubby was as giddy as a school girl so it was worth it! Enjoy the pics...
The Fancy New House/
We made a quick stop at Sturgis and it was almost time for bike week. That place was NUTS!!! I cannot even imagine what it was like this week!
Stop #2 was Mt. Rushmore. It was actually pretty neat, we sped through it but the little bit we saw was cool. Please don't mind how nasty I was a long day!!
Posted by Danie at 5:46 PM 2 comments